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July 2010 Graveyard Rabbits Carnival: Scavenger Hunt
1. Cross. This particular style of rustic cross can be found in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Bangor, ME and are attributed by local folklore to a single gravestone dealer, Rogan's Memorials. My research on these stones is ongoing.
It's all about the lens flare.
2. Heart. A granite, conjoined heart commemorating the tragic loss of the Frost siblings, Michael A., Jr, Sept. 10, 1998-Sept. 10, 2002 and his little sister, Linda J., May 9, 2000 to Sept. 10, 2002. The children died as the result of a fire in their home in Harmony, Maine. The grave, which features a portrait of the children together, is located in West Ripley Cemetery.
3. Fraternal symbol. A cast aluminum flag holder depicting the emblem of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America. Gold is an official color of the group, signifying “the rich blessings and material means” that members share with “those less fortunate.”
4. Monument. The Civil War memorial monument from Oak Grove Cemetery, Brewer, Maine. Designed with Italian marble and Frankfort granite by Hallowell Granite Company and S.P. Bradbury of Bangor, and made by S.P. Bradbury. Erected Fall of 1872 and dedicated May 30, 1873. In Memory Of The Citizen/Soldiers/Of Brewer Who Died/In Defence Of/Our Country/War Of/1861-65.
5. Flower. “She died in beauty, like the rose.” So reads the epitaph on the stone memorializing Rachel J, wife of Isaac Foster, Esq. Rachel died Oct. 7, 1838 at age 22 years, 1 month. The cabbage roses on her marker match those decorating the broken stone of Elizabeth P., wife of Isaac Foster, Esq. Hemlock Stream Cemetery, Argyle Township, Maine.
6. Hand. This combination of a hand holding an anchor atop a Bible and framed with laurel leaves appears in Jordan Cemetery, Harmony, Maine.
7. Angel. This Heavenly Angel seems utterly unimpressed with the duty of escorting Carrie W., wife of John S. Page and daughter of Enoch E & Elizabeth Brown to eternal life. Carrie died Aug. 28, 1871 at age 28 years and 8 months. The Angel one exudes an air of abject indifference even as she carries a scroll that reads, "Meet me." Or not. Whatever. Ireland Cemetery, Harmony, Maine.
8. Bird. Unlike so many bird images on stones, with broken wings or broken necks or just plain dead, this clearly live dove sits atop a small scroll-covered kern marking the grave of Harold V., son of H.V. and S. M. Furbush, 1915-1917. Kenduskeag Cemetery, Kenduskeag, ME.
9. Tree. At West Lubec Cemetery, Lubec, Maine, a low stone wall marks the boundaries of a substantially sized family lot with a single marked grave attended to by an eternal mourner. Cedar trees ring the interior of the stone wall at regular intervals providing a pastoral feel to the grave site.
10. Star. A cast aluminum American Legion flag stand marks the grave of a war veteran in Corinthian Cemetery, Corinth, Maine.
11. Obelisk. The Clement-Gerrish Cemetery in Kenduskeag, Maine is a small family cemetery typical of many that dot the rural Maine landscape. While this yard is well maintained, it is not unusual to stumble through to woods upon a cemetery with a large obelisk protruding from the overgrowth.
12. Four-legged animal. An anonymous elephant from Milford Cemetery, Milford, Maine. There is no obvious inscription for the occupant of the grave that is marked.
Admit it; you were expecting a lamb or maybe a dog. To paraphrase Bullwinkle, “Hey, Rocky, watch me pull an elephant out of my hat.”
13. Photo. Hiram Tripp, 1849-1922, porcelain portrait tile of Tripp with two horses and a dog. The tack on the saddled horse shows examples of Canadian Plains-style/Ojibwe beadwork. Molson Cemetery, Molson, WA.
14. Military Gravestone. Joseph J., son of Joseph B. & Hannah Elder, of Co. E, 22 Regt. Me. Vols died at Bellefontaine, Ohio Aug 20, 1863, AEt. 20 ys. 4 ms. Originally of Corinna, Maine, Joseph J. Elder served the Union army as a musician.
15. Mausoleum. Cassidy mausoleum in winter. Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Bangor, ME.
Great photos and descriptions!